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summer traffic

Warm Weather Brings Higher Traffic Volume

There are More Cars on the Road when it is Warm Outside

After the long, cold winter months it is always refreshing when the summer sun starts shining through the springtime rain clouds. However, when the weather is nice and warm people tend to get outside more often. Whether they want to flood the beaches, amusement parks, have picnics in the park, or just go for a long drive with the windows down, warm weather brings about higher volumes of traffic on the road. It is no secret that when there are more cars on the road, there are more auto accidents that occur. Lloyd H. Thomas Law is an auto collision personal injury attorney and today we are discussing how to stay safe when there are a lot of cars on the road.

Why Does More Traffic Result in More Accidents?

When there are more cars on the road, it only makes sense that there will subsequently be more accidents. However, there are a few contributing factors to why this is. Here are a few examples:

First off, more traffic means higher chances of traffic jams. Stop and go traffic jams can be a test for impatient drivers, who may make foolish, impulsive decisions, and with very little room for error, this can easily result in a collision.

Next, there are a lot more people traveling. Warm weather often makes people want to travel, which means they might be on roads that they are not familiar with. Additionally, when people are traveling they might be stressed out or take a wrong turn or miss an exit, which can result in poor decisions such as last minute turns or over-braking.

Lastly, warm weather brings about seasonal vehicles. Large RVs that folks don’t drive on a regular basis are being taken cross-country, boats trailers are being towed by cars, and sports cars that stay garaged when it’s raining and cold are reaching high spends with the top down. All of these additional vehicles that are less-frequently driven can result in auto collisions.

How to Drive Safely in Warm Weather

Here is a checklist of steps to take to ensure that you are safe while driving in the warm weather.

  • Use time management to plan for traffic delays so you aren’t impatient 

  • Be mindful of other drivers you and watch out for people acting reckless

  • Allow extra space between you and the car in front of you in case of sudden braking

  • Keep sunglasses in the car and use your visors when the sun is blinding

  • If you miss a turn just keep driving and take the next exit safely, then turn around

  • Only use the left lane when passing to avoid angering other drivers or disrupting traffic

  • Wear your seatbelt, don’t use your phone, and keep the music at a low volume

Some drivers can be unpredictable. Make sure that you are always focused on the road to keep yourself and your passengers safe and to help you to avoid getting into a traffic accident.

Need an Auto Collision Personal Injury Attorney?

Getting into a car accident can be a headache, and it’s not always easy to be fairly compensated for collisions that you are the victim of. Contact Lloyd H. Thomas Law for an experienced and trusted attorney who specializes in car accidents. We are located in Atlanta, Georgia and are here to help you to get fair compensation for auto accidents that are not your fault.

Give us a call at (404) 848-8898.